Age: 59
Procedures: Laser-Services ,Chemical Peels
Specifically, Barbara underwent laser resurfacing of the face, neck and chest.
My family has a history of facial wrinkles and deep lines. I began noticing these effects in myself in my mid-forties. I tried facial creams, but the wrinkles just kept getting worse. My skin texture also was deteriorating due to years of sun worshipping, gardening and outdoor sports. My face was blotchy, saggy and I had marionette lines around my mouth. My chest was sprinkled with age spots. These conditions aged me. A facial peel helped, but not to the degree I expected. I still appeared much older than I felt.
I came to know Dr. Myckatyn through his work at the Center for Advanced Medicine at Barnes-Jewish Hospital with plastic surgery residents and have now been a patient of his for over three years. He recommended fillers and laser resurfacing.
Before undergoing the laser resurfacing treatment, the staff educated me about the benefits, and also any potential problems that might occur. They prepared me for what I would see and feel during and after the experience. The analgesic preparation for the procedure helped to make it close to painless. After about four days, I was able to resume my normal teaching duties. All redness disappeared in about two weeks.
What were the results? My chest had dark blotches and age spots. After the treatment, those disappeared, and with constant use of sunscreen, have not returned. I now enjoy wearing lower cut blouses without embarrassment. My face is fresh looking and age-spot free. The fine lines have been eliminated. Deeper lines have been reduced but, due to their severity, will need more treatments. Many of my colleagues have commented on how bright and clear my skin is.
Since I underwent treatments with Dr. Myckatyn, my life has changed in many ways. First, I have a new feeling of confidence, especially when it comes to public speaking. Second, I believe that my students now have a new view of me as a vibrant teacher who is current with the latest trends in both education and life. Third, the whole process has helped me bring my image into focus. I have changed the way I dress and have even lost weight. In short, I look and feel even better thanks to this experience.
I would like to have additional laser treatments to focus on the deeper wrinkles around my mouth. After seeing the results from one treatment, I can imagine the results of future treatments.
I'm often complimented on my complexion, and naturally, I tell people why. I suggest that they try West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University. The doctors, PA and staff are extremely helpful and knowledgeable about treatments that will solve your specific problems. Not only do they provide the treatments that you need, but they make suggestions about a regimen to keep you looking young.

If you have questions or would like to book a consultation with one of the surgeons at West County Plastic Surgery, please call (314) 996-8800.