Surgical Procedures
Surgery for the Breasts, Body, and Face in St. Louis
Cosmetic surgery is a big decision. When it comes to surgical procedures in St. Louis, West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University offers a full range of breast, body and facial procedures, but their goal goes beyond simply performing a satisfactory surgery. Our plastic surgeons aim to work closely with you to achieve results that leave you convinced you made the right choice in both your decision of a procedure and in the facility you trusted to carry out your vision of transformation.
Our surgeons provide service at a luxury level, customized to make your exact vision a reality. For instance, Dr. Marissa Tenenbaum learned to deliver high-level results working with the renowned Beverly Hills surgeon Dr. Grant Stevens, an international authority on cosmetic plastic surgery. And Dr. Terence Myckatyn is the director of breast and cosmetic plastic surgery at Washington University School of Medicine. With physicians from St. Louis's own Washington University, West County offers patients access to next-generation technology delivered by highly qualified, thoughtful and compassionate surgeons.
To schedule your appointment for a surgical procedure in St. Louis, MO, contact our office by phoning (314) 996-8800 or requesting your consultation online.
Cosmetic Breast Surgery
Breast Augmentation
Designed to add volume to the breasts to make them larger, breast augmentation involves the insertion of carefully chosen implants. This procedure can be used to improve symmetry, address changes after weight loss or childbirth, or simply provide a change for a woman who has long desired a new, curvier silhouette.
Breast Lift
A breast lift works to raise sagging breasts higher by removing stretched-out skin that has allowed them to droop over time. This surgery can also ensure that the nipples point outward and upward instead of down toward the ground.
Breast Augmentation and Lift
Some women want perkier, larger breasts with more projection. A breast augmentation and lift can be combined to create complementary results.
Breast Implant Revision Surgery
Whether for cosmetic or medical reasons, breast implant revision surgery can be performed for women who need to correct the results of a prior procedure. This surgery can address capsular contracture; implants that have dropped lower in the breast, rippled, or ruptured; a desire for smaller implants; and other situations and conditions.
Breast Reduction
Breasts that are so large as to cause discomfort—physical, mental, or emotional—can be addressed with breast reduction, including laser-assisted reduction. The goal is to reduce the volume of the breasts to make them lighter and less prone to causing neck and back pain due to their constant forward pull, as well as to draw less attention and help clothes to fit better.
Inverted Nipple Correction
Inverted nipple correction can be used to push out nipples that point inward, whether due to natural development or as the result of breastfeeding, surgery, or other outside forces.
Mommy Makeover
A Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures that focus on restoring a woman's body as close as possible to the state it was before pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. While significant attention is given to the breasts, it can also involve fat and excess skin removal on the body, as well as other treatments.
Breast Reconstruction
Surgery due to cancer or other reasons can lead to a loss of volume, contour irregularities in the breasts, or even the complete loss of one or both breasts. Breast reconstruction rebuilds the breast mound as necessary for a natural look.

Dr. Terry Myckatyn and
Dr. Marissa Tenenbaum:
Trusted. Experienced. Committed.
Body Contouring
Tummy Tuck
A flabby belly may be due to any number of conditions, which can be addressed by a tummy tuck. This surgery can involve removing excess fat, excising stretched-out skin, joining and tightening a separated abdominal wall, and creating a new navel. Variations include the mini tummy tuck and extended tummy tuck.
Surgical removal of stubborn fat deposits via a cannula is known as liposuction, which can be applied just about anywhere a patient desires on the body.
Male Breast Reduction
Gynecomastia—the development of male breasts—is a common condition that can be corrected by male breast reduction surgery. Different from a reduction procedure for women, this surgery is designed with masculine contours in mind.
Post Weight-Loss Contouring
Post weight-loss contouring offers a solution for sleeker, more proportional contours wherever they are desired by patients who have dropped tens to hundreds of pounds.
Fat Transfer
Fat cells carefully harvested from one area of the body can be inserted elsewhere for enhanced contours in a process known as fat transfer. Results typically last long since the "filler" comes from the body itself.
Arm Lift
Specifically focusing on the upper arm, an arm lift removes the skin that hangs down below the arms when they are raised. This loose tissue is sometimes referred to as "bat wings."
Total Body Lift
Losing a significant amount of weight can leave loose skin behind to droop and sag. A total body lift takes care of this problem wherever it appears, from the breasts to the armpits to buttocks to the legs.
Lower Body Lift
Typically focusing only on contours from the midsection down, a lower body lift may tighten laxity on the belly, buttocks, thighs, lower back, and flanks.
Thigh Lift
Applicable to the inner thighs, outer thighs, or both, a thigh lift provides slimmer, sleeker contours for the upper legs, especially after weight loss.
Labia Reduction
Overly large labia, whether naturally developed or changed after childbirth, can cause friction during various activities, as well as be visible in certain outfits. Labia reduction corrects this.
Face Procedures
Time leads to sagging skin on the face. A facelift typically tightens laxity from the midface to the neck for a more defined jawline and more youthful cheek contours.
Brow Lift
A heavy brow due to downward-shifting tissues can create the look of a permanent scowl. A brow lift restores the forehead to a higher position with tighter, smoother skin.
Upper Eyelid Lift
The upper eyelid lift addresses a drooping lid that can create undesirable cosmetic and functional conditions by intruding into the field of vision. This procedure allows the lid to once again work as it should.
Lower Eyelid Lift
"Bags" beneath the eyes are the result of shifting fat deposits, and lower-lid laxity can contribute to the problem. A lower eyelid lift rejuvenates this area of the face.
Everything from smoothing out a nasal hump to widening narrow nostrils to altering the angle of the nasal tip to changing the overall size and proportions of the nose can be part of a rhinoplasty.
Facial Implants
Facial implants include options for the cheeks and chin to provide more definition and improve softened, sagging contours.
Before & After
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*Results may vary.
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If you have questions or would like to book a consultation with one of the surgeons at West County Plastic Surgery, please call (314) 996-8800.