COVID-19 UPDATE: As of May 11, 2020, we have re-opened our office to regular in-person appointments. We are operating at a lower-than-normal capacity in order to respect social distancing advisories and best protect the health of our patients. We are still offering telemedicine as an option. For more information please call us at (314) 996-8800.

Are there any side effects?

During the procedure you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, and mild pinching. You may also feel intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping—sensations that subside as the treatment area becomes numb. Immediately after treatment, there may be redness and firmness; transient blanching and/or mild bruising around the edges of the treatment area; tingling and stinging. Typically, these side effects are temporary and resolve completely. Many patients do experience redness in the treated areas for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. In rare cases, this redness may persist up to 2 weeks, but it will completely resolve itself. At 1 to 2 weeks after treatment, there may be redness, bruising, and swelling; tenderness, cramping, and aching; itching, skin sensitivity, tingling, and numbness. In some cases, numbness may persist for several weeks after a treatment. Talk to your doctor if these side effects persist past 2 weeks or worsen over time.

If you have questions or would like to book a consultation with one of the surgeons at West County Plastic Surgery, please call (314) 996-8800.

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