Who are poor candidates for breast augmentation?
Poor candidates for breast augmentation have low self-esteem or mental instability that stems from deeper issues than breast appearance. Consider the following before deciding to undergo this procedure;
- Breast augmentation is not a quick fix for low self-esteem, depression, or a major life crisis, and it cannot replace good counseling or therapy. If you have mood disorders or depression, seek help from a licensed mental health provider before undergoing any kind of elective surgical procedure.
- Your reasons for having breast augmentation should never include saving a troubled relationship or marriage.
- If you suffer from a poor body image or have body dysmorphic disorder, you should seek help from a licensed mental health provider prior to elective plastic surgery, including breast augmentation. Any boost in self-esteem will likely be temporary, as this procedure will not correct the underlying psychological causes of a poor body image.
Dr. Terry Myckatyn and
Dr. Marissa Tenenbaum:
Trusted. Experienced. Committed.
In the end, the decision to have breast implants should be a personal one. For the right patient, breast augmentation can be an empowering experience, one that improves self-esteem and personal satisfaction. However, having realistic expectations is essential to success, so that is why women should have an open and honest discussion with their plastic surgeon before making any final decisions about this procedure.
If you have questions or would like to book a consultation with one of the surgeons at West County Plastic Surgery, please call (314) 996-8800.