Monthly Archives: December 2022
How Do You Know If You Need a Breast Revision?
Breast augmentation remained a popular plastic surgery procedure throughout 2022—as did breast revision. Many of our patients want to know about replacing breast implants with smaller ones at our St. Louis-based practice, which is a choice that may be more common that you think. Modern plastic surgery techniques have made the procedure safer, allowing more patients
How Do You Maintain Sculpted Arms After an Arm Lift?
“Bingo wings” and “bat wings” are two of the common nicknames for a flabby upper arm. When fat accumulates on the upper arms and aging, weight fluctuations, or other stressors lead to stretched-out skin, the combination can give the upper arms a sagging appearance. Even though exercise can help to restore a tighter appearance for

If you have questions or would like to book a consultation with one of the surgeons at West County Plastic Surgery, please call (314) 996-8800.