Tag Archives: body contouring

How Can Fat-Freezing Impact the Way You Dress?

Will CoolSculpting® make clothes fit better? Our St. Louis-based team frequently gets asked this question by people who are considering the fat-freezing treatment. The answer is a resounding “yes.” CoolSculpting® is a popular, non-invasive body contouring procedure that can help to get rid of stubborn fat in areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, and back. Sometimes

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4 Things You Should Know Before Liposuction

“What should I know before liposuction?” Our St. Louis-based West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University team knows that body contouring patients have plenty of questions like this. That’s why our board-certified plastic surgeons explain everything during the initial consultation to discuss the cosmetic surgery for reducing excess fat from specific areas on the body.

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Who Is an Ideal Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

We all store body fat differently, which is why each person’s body shape is unique. For some people, the lower body might be where they usually gain weight first, while for others, it may be the midsection. A tummy tuck, also known by the medical term abdominoplasty, can sculpt a flatter, more toned abdominal area

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What Type of Plastic Surgery Will Give You a Flat Stomach?

It’s obviously appealing to many people to have six pack abs and a flat stomach, but this look can be challenging to attain on your own. Many men and women have problem areas where they find it difficult to burn fat despite how often they exercise and how healthy their diet is. The belly is

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How to Know if Fat Grafting Might Be Right for You

Two of the most common procedures sought out by people considering cosmetic surgery are liposuction to remove excess fat and fillers or injectables that can restore volume to areas of the face where signs of aging have developed. But why undergo two separate procedures when one combined session will do? Fat grafting undergone at our St.

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Will the Fat Come Back After Liposuction?

Liposuction, which involves the surgical removal of fat cells from beneath the skin on targeted areas of the body, has increased in popularity in recent years. The procedure can reduce the volume of stubborn, diet-resistant fat on areas both large and small, from the abdomen and flanks to the neck below the chin. Industry leaders

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3 Tips for Preventing Sagging Skin After Massive Weight Loss

Significant weight loss, which can be defined as shedding 100 pounds or more of excess weight, is a life-changing experience. There are major benefits for your health and self-image—such as improving sleep quality at night, being in a better mood, experiencing less depression, lowering anger, addressing fatigue, and improving brain function. However, one of the

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Which Cosmetic Procedures Should You Have This Spring?

As most surgical and even many non-invasive procedures don’t reveal their results right away, it can take at least a few weeks before a patient sees the full results of their treatment. In most cases, a procedure performed in the springtime means you’ll feel confident about your look by the time summer is here again.

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5 Tips for Fixing Your Posture After Plastic Surgery

Ever wondered why everyone stresses the importance of “sitting up straight?” From an early age, parents and teachers tell us that keeping our body in proper alignment is important. Turns out, they’re actually right. Great posture not only makes you look several pounds lighter, creates the illusion of your abs being more sculpted, helps you

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