Tag Archives: #wrinkles

What Are Dynamic and Static Wrinkles?

When it comes to treating facial wrinkles, Daxxify™ is a go to at the St. Louis-based West County Plastic Surgeons. While the treatment has proven to be a popular one, many patients curious about what it can do ask whether it’s better for treating certain signs of aging than others. Like all wrinkle relaxers, Daxxify™ is intended

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What Causes Laugh Lines and How Can You Address Them?

Have you recently noticed deepening wrinkles between your nose and the corners of your mouth whenever you smile or laugh? Laughter may be strong medicine, but perhaps the only possible drawback is that your skin often pays the price due to being pulled in different directions whenever you make an expression. The wrinkles that show

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What Causes Face Wrinkles?

It’s no surprise to anyone who’s ever considered their options for getting a younger-looking face: The best-known cosmetic treatment for wrinkles is BOTOX®. St. Louis-based West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University often fields questions from people who have heard the brad name and want to learn more—about the injectable and what it can do

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